How Manifest reduced website bug resolution time by more than 75%

... and reduced their bug tracking tools used by more than half a dozen platforms

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Manifest Digital

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No. of BugHerd projects


No. of bugs created


No. of team members (+guests) using BugHerd


The Problem: Too Many Cooks

Manifest is a full-service digital agency specializing in content marketing, content strategy and creating meaningful brand experiences. As the 2019 Content Marketing Awards Agency of the Year, they are pioneers in the industry and know what it takes to put content into context.

Prior to implementing BugHerd, the process to get context on bug reports, and client feedback from a multitude of digital projects meant utilising several platforms at the same time. Such as: Custom Clarizen ticketing functions, JIRA, LightHouse, Trello, email, random conversations and more. Phew!

All of these platforms more or less performed the same or similar tasks, but as you can imagine, a lot more manual steps were involved in creating tickets, bug reports and collecting client feedback.

"Manifest wanted to consolidate from multiple platforms into one central place, this in turn would reduce ongoing subscription costs and onboarding time for new starters to the process."

How Manifest uses BugHerd

Pretty much everyone involved in building projects at Manifest uses BugHerd, from accounts, project managers, the dev team and QA (of course). Even if some team members prefer to communicate via email, the response is usually “add a BugHerd".

Manifest has developed a workflow for projects with clients that involves scheduling a user acceptance testing phase. Their clients are provided a BugHerd guest account, linked to a BugHerd project. The clients (as guests) therefore know to enter project feedback in BugHerd from the very early stages.  

Recently, the team were eagerly working on an internal project titled "The Plum".

Due to limited resources (billable work being priority) and the need to work quickly for MVP, there wasn’t time to perform a rigorous discovery and requirement gathering process, setup of UX/Design and implementation of the usually time consuming JIRA boards. So the team decided to utilise BugHerd as a Project Management Tool.

Once the frontend was roughly built out, the team members closest to the project went through and added “BugHerds” (BugHerd tasks) to dictate functionality and any design tweaks. They then assigned the tasks to the appropriate developers and set status to “to do".

As the Devs completed the tasks, they would move to “done” and reassign the original reporter, then sit back and wait for QA. Neat hey?

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The Problem: Keeping everyone on track

Studio Moso is a digital agency based in Melbourne, Australia with a clientele that ranges from large scale banks to local glass manufacturers. The agency provides digital web services, including user experience, web design & development and UX design.

While managing projects involving external and internal stakeholders the team at Studio Moso needed to find a website feedback solution that provided an infrastructure to not only support their internal feedback needs, but that could also loop in external stakeholders.

Ultimately the product selection needed to minimize the number of email and document exchanges, thus save precious team member time and in turn reduce project budgets.

"The team at Studio Moso needed to find a feedback solution that not only supported their internal feedback needs, but could also loop in external stakeholders."

How Studio Moso uses BugHerd

Every staff member at Studio Moso uses BugHerd on an almost daily basis. In fact, the Studio Moso team is one of the earliest adopters of BugHerd (2012). Today they are using the tool as a part of their studio feedback infrastructure.

“We use a combination of software in our studio when managing projects: Bugherd (of course), Trello, Slack, Jira & Team Gantt all play an important role in our studio infrastructure.”

Senior Account Manager

Studio Moso mainly uses BugHerd with new clients, before launching the final website, feature or campaign. They do occasionally use the tool on a live site to mark up changes as required.

How Studio Moso uses BugHerd

After finishing the internal QA process of the new site, the Studio Moso team provides client access to BugHerd. The clients mainly use Chrome capture screenshots to pin issues and feedback, creating tasks for the team to action.

With the help of the upload documentation function, the feedback loop can get started and bingo! The tasks are sent back to the QA manager at the studio.

Once all the tasks have been collected from the client, the studio account manager will jump in and validate the tasks by replicating them. Once completed, the content of the tasks will be modified for the developer or the account manager to take over the ticket to be resolved.

Once the requested tasks have been completed, the tasks gets dragged and dropped to the DONE column on the Kanban board. In the tasks final review stage, the client gets the tasks assigned to them for one final review for them to be closed off.

The whole process usually takes under 2 weeks, for multiple rounds of feedback and communication. Imagine doing that all over email… shudder.

"BugHerd is a software we write into all our proposals and our clients love it just as much (sometimes more) than we do."

What Studio Moso loves about BugHerd

It’s really hard for us to remember a time prior to BugHerd! We have on a few occasions not provided a client with BH access and it’s been a slew of documents + emails with changes - enough to know that it’s saving us time (and money) by providing client access to it!