Integrate Bugherd with GitHub in 3 easy steps
From the Integrations page in BugHerd, select GitHub.
Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your BugHerd project to GitHub.
Changes made to BugHerd projects will start flowing through to the GitHub project.
Frequently asked questions
What’s BugHerd?
What's GitHub?
Why should I use BugHerd and GitHub?
What do I need to install?
What information is sent between GitHub and BugHerd?
Can I integrate BugHerd with other existing tools?
BugHerd also works with Zapier or Make, allowing you to integrate with thousands of other tools.
View other integrations

It streamlines your process, allowing for smooth feedback and task synchronization without the need for new systems or extensive training, with both 2-way and 1-way integrations.
With BugHerd, you enhance your workflow's efficiency and maintain cohesive project management, all while ensuring accurate client billing with time-tracking integrations like Harvest or Time Doctor.