Online course feedback is easy with BugHerd

Whether you're building modules for university courses, online training for staff, or self-paced learning courses, BugHerd makes it easy to review your online courses and get feedback from stakeholders, your team or even your students.

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Build quality into your courses from the start

Building high quality content for your course is critical. And while not everyone loves proof-reading 100s of courses a year, it’s an essential task. Broken links, spelling mistakes, formatting errors and the like need to be found and fixed for a course to run smoothly.

BugHerd makes it easy for proof-readers to quickly mark up page bugs and issues, by automatically taking a screenshot and dropping a pin on the page to point out where action is needed. The screenshot even includes the timestamp if you’re reviewing video content.

It might not make proof-reading the most exciting part of your job, but it will definitely take a lot of headache out of taking screenshots yourself and writing up spreadsheets of changes!
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Make reviews from the experts easy

Speaking of reviewing – getting your subject matter experts on-board right from the start means easier content reviews and better outcomes for your learners.

BugHerd makes it easy for experts to review content by letting them mark up content on the page as they’re viewing it. No flipping between pages, no thousands of separate emails, just a simple task board containing all the content reviews from those who matter.

Give your experts time back on what they love doing – which isn’t always reviewing course work!

BugHerd requires no steep learning curve to get started and as one Director of Design told us, “For us, for reviews… BugHerd has been a game changer!”
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Get back time to create more courses

Forget cumbersome spreadsheets, where so much can get lost. Or the difficulty in then assigning tasks to someone to resolve, BugHerd lets you see all feedback in a Kanban-style task board.

Assign tasks to a colleague, set a severity, comment on tasks and resolve them all from one place. No messy follow ups, no hideous emails full of changes. BugHerd gives you time back to focus on what matters to you.
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What do others say?

image of customer
Ted Blanchard

Instructional Technologist

"We needed a tool that would tag and track feedback on specific pages of our Canvas LMS, while providing specific and contextual information. It had to be intuitive and flexible for both admins and reviewers to use."

BugHerd fits with your existing LMS, content creation tools

Whatever learning management system (LMS), you’re using, BugHerd helps you highlight spelling errors, broken links and formatting errors and point out exactly what content needs changing, whether it’s written text or a video. Save time and make the process of reviewing course content less painful with BugHerd.
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