An easy review and approval process for website designs
Bring your entire creative workflow for websites into BugHerd, from design through to user acceptance testing. Get the same crystal clear feedback you expect from BugHerd for websites, and bring it earlier in the review process by adding BugHerd to your design reviews.
Before you start building a website for your clients, get visual feedback, and faster approval of your designs. Created a design in Figma? Upload the Figma file or prototype to BugHerd. Share the design with your clients and let BugHerd turn their feedback into tasks. Track and manage these tasks to completion with BugHerd’s simple kanban style task board. Use BugHerd's archiving feature for version control and ensure the latest changes are shared.
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Your online proofing software for PDFs and images
Get everyone on the same page (literally)! BugHerd makes the creative collaboration process smoother and easier.
BugHerd allows for simple file sharing and makes it easy to collect client feedback in just a few steps.
Step 1
Upload an image (jpeg, png) or PDF to the Design Assets folder.
Step 2
Share them with your creative team and clients and ask for feedback.
Step 3
Allow everyone to pin their feedback to the PDF or image.
BugHerd takes the guesswork out of feedback from multiple stakeholders. With everyone able to share in-context feedback, on the same page at the same time, it's efficient collaboration, feedback collection and approvals at its finest.
You can also archive previous versions of your file types to ensure only the latest version is being reviewed. Simple version management for simpler review cycles and approvals and far less unactionable feedback.
All feedback left using the BugHerd is turned into trackable tasks. Assign tasks to a copywriter, developer or designer for fast actioning. Simple feedback collection and task management with just a few clicks.
Using an online proofing tool on multiple deliverables?
BugHerd allows you to group designs, PDFs and Images together to be shared with your clients in one location, regardless of whether they're an Adobe creative cloud or adobe photoshop masterpiece or PDFs of Microsoft office files. Forget about sharing google drive links and instead direct your clients to BugHerd to view and comment on all the work you've created for them.
Not sure which image to include on a landing page? No worries - share a group of images and let your client select, comment on and approve the ones they like.
Need to get a decision on which design appeals to your client more? Share both and let your client leave feedback on which one they prefer and why. BugHerd will track all their feedback in one place for you. Also helpful for preventing the “I’m sure I chose the other option” mind changing conversations. 😉
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But don't just take our word for it.
Customers love us.
Sam Duncan 📱📏 🌱
"@bugherd where have you been all my life??
We just migrated our bug tracking over from Asana and have at least halved our software testing time🪳👏📈. "
Ashley Groenveld
Project Manager
“I use BugHerd all day every day. It has sped up our implementation tenfold.”
Sasha Shevelev
Webcoda Co-founder
"Before Bugherd, clients would try to send screenshots with scribbles we couldn't decipher or dozens of emails with issues we were often unable to recreate."
Mark B
“A no-brainer purchase for any agency or development team.”
Kate L
Director of Operations
"Vital tool for our digital marketing agency.”
Paul Tegall
Delivery Manager
"Loving BugHerd! It's making collecting feedback from non-tech users so much easier."
Daniel Billingham
Senior Product Designer
“The ideal feedback and collaboration tool that supports the needs of clients, designers, project managers, and developers.”
Chris S
CEO & Creative Director
“Our clients LOVE it”
Emily VonSydow
Web Development Director
“BugHerd probably saves us
at least 3-4hrs per week.”