Create, Build and automate workflows with BugHerd and Make

With Make, task automation is easy!

You can connect and sync data between BugHerd and the other products you use like Jira, GitHub, Slack, Trello, and hundreds of other solutions. Synchronize feedback tasks and updates to streamline your workflow. All without needing to know a single line of code. Easy!

Streamline task management processes

Automate feedback collection and resolution

Enhance collaboration and productivity across teams

Join 10,000+ companies, 350,000+ users across 172 countries.

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Build and automate workflows with BugHerd + Make

Connect BugHerd to hundreds of other solutions you use in your day to streamline your workflow when delivering website projects. Make allows you to visually create, build and automate workflows.

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Connect and synchronize data between BugHerd and other products you use.

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Control the flow of information between BugHerd and other products using Make’s visual platform.

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Automate your workflow and have more time for what matters most.

Special Offer:

Sign up to Make and get 2 months of the Pro plan for free.

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Integrate BugHerd with Make in 3 easy steps

You don’t need to know a line of code to integrate BugHerd with Make. Simply connect your BugHerd project to Make, then select the workflows you want to connect.


Click Create a connection in Make.


Name your connection


Enter your BugHerd API key to establish your connection.

Frequently asked questions

So how can you use BugHerd as a simple website feedback tool with Make? To help out, we've answered the most commonly asked questions.
What’s BugHerd?
BugHerd streamlines your feedback management, helping you collect clear, actionable feedback and organize and resolve bugs and issues faster.
What is Make?
Make software is tool that enables you to visually design and build complex workflows, without the need for coding expertise.

It helps you by automating the software build process, which saves you time and effort, and ensures that builds are consistent and error-free. This automation reduces repetitive tasks, streamlines your workflow, and lets you focus more on developing and less on manual build processes.  Key features include:
  • Drag and drop to connect apps
  • Design infinite workflows
  • Data flows in real time

Make lets you build as if you were a developer, without the need for coding expertise.

Find out more ...
Why should I use BugHerd and Make?
Make allows you to visually create, build and automate workflows between BugHerd and other software you use every day. Limited only by your imagination.
What do I need to install?
You’ll need to have current plans for BugHerd and Make to be able to integrate them. You will need to have a project set up in BugHerd. You’ll also need to be a manager in BugHerd.
What information is sent to Make from BugHerd?
Send information about new projects, new tasks, take updates and comments from BugHerd to Make and update your other software with this information. Synchronize changes made in BugHerd to other solutions easily.
Can I integrate BugHerd with other existing tools?
BugHerd integrates natively with Asana, Jira, Trello, Slack, GitHub and more. View other native integrations

BugHerd works with Make, allowing you to integrate with thousands of other tools.
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BugHerd effortlessly integrates into your existing workflow, connecting with tools you're already using like Make, Slack, Jira, Trello, Asana, ClickUp,, GitHub and more.

It streamlines your process, allowing for smooth feedback and task synchronization without the need for new systems or extensive training with both 2-way and 1-way integrations.

With BugHerd, you enhance your workflow's efficiency and maintain cohesive project management, all while ensuring accurate client billing with time-tracking integrations like Harvest or Time Doctor.
View all integrations