Product analytics platform
Data subject's email, name, company name
BugSnag (SmartBear Software)
Error monitoring platform
Stack traces and other request details to assist developers to debug application issues.
Data subject’s name, email address
Customer support platform
Data subject name and email
Cloud productivity, email and collaboration tools
Data subject's name & email
Cloud Infrastructure and hosting platform
Operational instance of, logging and backups that contain PII stored in the BH application
Customer feedback & analytics platform
Data subject's email, name, browser & version, OS & version, device type, Location, IP address, company name
Data subject name and email, phone number
In-app customer communication platform
Data subject's name, email, and company details
MailChimp (Rocket Science Group LLC)
Email deliverability software
Data subject name and email
Subscription management platform
Data subject's name, email, company details, and billing address (if supplied)
Product analytics platform
Data subject's email, name, company name
Paragon (Forge Technology, Inc)
Data subject's access tokens or API keys required for authentication with third party applications
Product analytics platform
Data subject's email, name, browser & version, OS & version, device type, Location, IP address, company name
Customer feedback & product management tool
Data subject's name, email, and company details
Websocket messaging platform
Data subject's name, email and company name
Data subject's name, email, and company details
Splitrock team internal communications
Company slack contains alerts for support queries, trial requests and license purchases.
Payment gateway (new customers)
Data subject's name, email and credit card details
Vero Holdings Australia Pty Ltd
Cloud based email marketing automation software
Data subject name and email and company name
A/B testing tool for
Data subject's location, referring URL, anonymised IP address, device/user agent/browser/OS information, user actions including clicks & scrolls.
Payment gateway (historical customers)
Data subject's name, email and credit card details
Single sign on authentication platform
Data subject's email and access tokens required for OAuth/SAML authentication
Customer Support and ticketing
Data subject name, email, company name and any other PII supplied