



BugHerd News - New Features! 2016 update

BugHerd News - New Features! 2016 update

We've been working on a lot of commonly requested features lately here in the BugHerd office, let's check some of them out!



March 16, 2016

Bugherd office|

We've been working on a lot of new features lately here in the BugHerd office. Many of them you won't notice - backend stuff that involves tidying up [read "deleting"] lines (and lines and lines and lines) of codeto make sure things run even smoother on the app. There's also a few featuresthat we're working on that you will notice. Here's a lookat what's been launched recently:


Move TasksDid you just create a new taskinthe wrong project? You're going tohaveto delete it and start again, right? Wrong! Now you can save time by just moving it! Wow, that wasa total sales pitch*. It is super handy though, which is why my excitement may come across as a little on the shopping network side.All you need to do isselect the task you wish to move, click the cog icon beneath the description, and select the project you wish to move it to. Done!

*Steak knives not included.

Due DateHappy to say you can now add due dates to your task. It's currently an informative feature, so you will need to log in to see the due dates. You can also sort your kanban boardin order of due date!This is a whole new field that you can select in the task's sidebar view. It will also show the date on the summary card on the kanban view.Edit CommentThis has been at the top of many feature requests for a while now. Annoyed at that little typo you made? Did you reply to a colleague in the heat of the moment? Forget to put a decimal in that price quote? All you need to do now is click the pencil icon in the bottom right hand corner of the comment you wish to edit, make the required changes and click Save.Slack IntegrationWith every man and his dog using Slack, it was only a matter of time before we provided native integration. And here it is! A super handy view for getting a good overview of your whole project with all the updates you need, and none of the ones you don't. To access this, simply go to the Integrations page (ifyou have the right access level for your account), which is found under the Settings menu option.Full Screen Ticket ViewWhen you're working on a complicated ticket with some indepth conversation, sometimes the width of the narrow sidebar justdoesn't cut it. We're aware of this, and have managed to give you a snap-out view that takes up the whole page. Just click the icon to the right hand side of the Task Details heading to expand the ticket details to be full screen. Then when you're done, just click it again revert back to the default kanban view.Relaxed linking rulesWe've relaxed a lot of the link parsing rules within BugHerd, so if you need to reference a file kept on your own server, on GoogleDocs, FTP, or other services like Zeplin, these are now fully clickable links! Handy!Let us know what you think - do you have a suggestion of what you'd like to see - maybe there's been a time you've thought "I wish BugHerd did that!" Tell us what your "that" is!

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